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Proof of Vaccination Screening

As of October 4th, 2021 the Province of Nova Scotia will officially be entering Phase 5. This requires all non-essential businesses to screen anyone entering for proof of vaccination.

Let us take the stress off of your hands by providing someone to do all of your vaccine screening for you! Our guards are both efficient and effective at screening person(s) upon entrance and can save your staff the hassle of dealing with disgruntled patrons should a situation occur.


Enforcing Mask Mandates

When the Province of Nova Scotia moves into Phase 5, October 4th, 2021; the mask mandate will still be in effect. This means anyone entering a building will need to wear a mask to enter.

Our guards help ensure all person(s) entering have their masks on properly and are abiding by COVID-19 safety protocols put into place by the Province of Nova Scotia.

Special Reqiests

At DTM Safety & Security Ltd. we understand that the last couple of years have been a learning curve for everyone. We are dedicated to providing helpful services that navigate you through our new 'normal'.

If there is a COVID-19 service you are wondering about, just click contact above and let us know!


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